New Year, More Tarot
Thank you for coming to my site and blog. How has 2018 been for you?
For a few years now I have taken time off of social media to change my relationship with it and, what felt like, addiction to hearts or likes concerning my face or edited perspective. Now that social media is now more of a business tool and the selfies have died down, I find myself lax on keeping up with these tools and getting lazy.....( but howww??)
So this year, especially since creating has been an amazing unstoppable force, I am putting daily art I make onto my Instagram account. Despite having some of my lowest mental health times in these past few years, painting and creating has been an amazing meditative tool for me and am super grateful for that.
You can check out the random hobbies and projects I put out daily here.
Also, In January for the Cookie Counter's monthly Ice Cream Social, I got to read tarot for folks, focusing on self love, discovery and awareness through using these cards.
Doing readings surrounded by my art in my favorite place to eat! I tried to channel some wise witchy vibes for the readings and this Betsey Johnson chiffon I've had for over a decade was a perfect scarf!
15% of all sales for the evening went to @camptentrees to support their residential camping programs for LGBTQ+ youth & youth of LGBTQ+ families.
Hand painted and randomly picked Major Arcana cards for querent's to take home and do a private reading...with a door prize! Flip Books in back are Major Arcana images, hand painted bound, and mod podged by me.
The treats were amazing-donut sundaes, birthday cake ice cream, Jenny of @havenyogaseattle had a sweet body positivity/body image Q&A station and I loved meeting and getting to know querent's through tarot and over ice cream. I hope to do more readings in the future, practice my intuition and meet and guide people through their journeys!
Here are some more watercolored major arcana cards-I loved doing them.
Especially in this socio-political climate, i feel like there is so much static noise inhibiting and confusing us all. I feel like the lessons in these first 22 tarot cards could be important for all of us to be reminded and to help us all build empathy towards others when we all go through life cycles with similar themes.
Death-transition, rebirth, and new beginnings. Letting something go for something new. One of my favorite and most pulled cards. watercolor.
The Empress- the ultimate mother figure and figure for mother earth. Feminine energy, nourishment and fertility. watercolor.
Here are a few of my favorites I drew and packaged up into one of ^ those envelopes up there!
You can find the rest in my daily IG feed. Just go back a few weeks :)
There are still 8 envelopes for sale and along with the flip books are $12 each or 2/$20
Email or contact with questions or sale inquiries. I'm working on getting these up into my shop soon!
Thanks for reading and hope to chat with you soon!
-Camille Simone